Lets do !!SCIENCE!!- Unmeetable Needs (2025)

So as I play the new version (42.06) I am finding that even after considerable time and some effort my dwarves have needs that I simply cannot meet. I have started this thread to compile my findings and see if anyone else has been able to satisfy the fashionable cravings of the modern Dwarf; my overall testing has been limited due to kids, and my house trying to fall down because it's old, and... pretty much life. Also, if you have a need you can't seem to satisfy post it here and I will try to help you solve it. I have figured out how to fix all of them except the ones below.

The wiki only seems to focus For reference the wiki page on needs can be found here: http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Need

- Lack of decent meals.
The base cause of this is well understood; a dwarf will only have this need satisfied by eating something they have in their likes. However even when something they like is on hand they won't eat it every time. I tested this on my main smith, who liked goat cheese, and while I always had goat cheese or prepared meals containing it on hand he frequently picked something else to eat.

Questions to research:
- Do dwarves seek out food they prefer when choosing their meals, or do they just grab what's closest?
- Does drinking an alcohol a dwarf likes satisfy this need?
- Does cooking a booze a dwarf likes into a prepared meal make it satisfy this need? (I have read somewhere that it does, but unable to confirm.)

Unable to acquire something
While I have seen dwarves meet this need somehow I have been unable to pin down the exact method. The wiki states it is met through getting any item, via trade or demand, but that does not seem to translate directly to fortress mode.

I have done the following to try and meet this need, without success:
- Make crafts of both a type and material that a specific dwarf likes in large numbers. The dwarf appeared uninterested even with this need outstanding over several years. The dwarf in question was given leisure time and had a chest in his quarters.
- Make nice, new clothes for a dwarf and checked back to ensure that dwarf had put them on. This did not satisfy the need.

- Do attributes impact how often a dwarf goes looking for something to acquire?
- Does trading with a caravan meet this need?
- What items are valid targets for acquisition? Does this apply to luxury goods only (for example bracelets and amulets) and not to needed items like articles of clothing?

Being away from friends
This need seems to be totally unfulfilled on my entire fort, even on dwarves with large numbers of friends. While the dwarves do plenty of socializing in the tavern, they never have this need satisfied. In an attempt to fix this I used one of my starting seven, who was friends with four others of the group, and created five overlapping statue gardens to get them to interact more. They ignored this for over a year, preferring to socialize in the tavern instead. Then the experiment was abruptly terminated by a forgotten beast made of steel that shot webs.

- What counts as being around friends? Does simply being near them count, such as burrowing them together, or do they have to have social interaction as they would in a tavern?

Being away from family
See above in friends, appears to be the same thing.

- Is this need simply impossible to meet if the family was left when the dwarf migrated?
- What counts as being around family? Presence or social interaction?

Being unable to wander
Very rare need I have never seen met. Wiki says for adventurers it requires going to a different map tile.

- Is this implemented in Fortress mode the same way as adventure mode?
- Does walking across the map satisfy this need? Technically it would be crossing tiles on anything but a 1x1 embark.

Being unable to make romance
Fairly rare need. Very few cases of it, so no real testing.

- Does this need mean making woopie, or just talking with a potential romantic partner?
- Do marriage suites satisfy this need?

Lets do !!SCIENCE!!- Unmeetable Needs (2025)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.