What are your suggestions for the admissions office?
"Choose interviewers better"More from this Member| Report Response
"To choose interviewers that are actually interested and enthusiastic"More from this Member| Report Response
"More take-home info. List of COMLEX/USMLE pass rates. Percentage of students who get their first choice residency. Where students go for out of state residencies."More from this Member| Report Response
What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?
"Talk about yourself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Medical school can be stressful, what are things you do besides academics to relieve stress or for fun"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why DO? Why MSU?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Asked about my mentored undergraduate research."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"MMI Style"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"MMI format, 8 rooms."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why DO? Why MSU."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"No interview, just tour day after acceptance."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why would MSUCOM want you to be part of it?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where from?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"what three main qualities do you believe a physcian should possess"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"N/A"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why MSUCOM? Why DO?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you think patients are not compliant with doctor's orders?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What kind of doctor do you want to become?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Waht is one social issue that gets you up on a soap box? what is your stance on that issue and why do you think that way?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Any doctors in your family?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why D.O. and not M.D.?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"describe yourself"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself and family....how you decided to be a doctor"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself.How did you decide on medicine and MSUCOM?What will your husband and family do when you come here?(I like how she said, "when" not, "if". :) )"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is osteopathy to you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"I was asked several questions. The most significant are as follows:What one thing have you done in life that has had the most social significance or impact?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"why DO? why not MD?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to be an osteopathic physician even knowing that DOs are the minority of the physician population in the US?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Describe life at 50?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to be a doctor? why DO?1 strength, 1 weakness."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you study?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Other than questions listed above...How do you handle stress? Are there student organizations here that you would like to join as an outlet to your stress?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where do you picture yourself in 10 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself..."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Describe your study habits. Say you had just attended a lecture and had to prepare for an exam on the material. How do you study? Do/can you study well in a group? Are you aware that most people have to change study habits when they matriculate to med school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What type of support system do you have (family/friends)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If not doctor, what else would you be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do I handle stress?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"see above"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What has brought you here today; to this point in your life?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to be a DO?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"the $5000 question"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why Osteopathic Medicine? What made me decide to become an osteopathic doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why DO?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your summer experience."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Do you have any questions for me?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What started you thinking about osteopathic medicine (first question)."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"A patient dies in the ER. How do you deal with it and how do you break the news to the family?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"2 ethical dilemmas: delegating between limited resources and girl comes to your office with desire to have abortion."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your experience in osteopathic medicine."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Talk about my volunteering experiences!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Here's my story...now tell me yours (starting from birth to the present)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where do you see the future of healthcare?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why did you choose MSUCOM? Why do you want to be a DO? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"The one's above and some of the same questions posted by other recent interviewees."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to do this?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is your strength? Your weakness?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What difficult desicion did you have to make"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What are the biggest problems in American Health Care today?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Name one experience in which you were a leader, one in which you were not the team leader, and one which you helped others."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"About my research?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How would your best friend describe you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me how you would explain osteopathic medicine to your family and friends."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"tell me about your family."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How would you deal with this situation (no right or wrong answer): suppose one of your patients came to you and asked you to put his/her life to an end, regardless of whether the patient had a terminal illness or not."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How did you learn about Michigan State?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me what you know about Osteopathic Medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to be a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How will you handle death?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What patients do you see yourself treating in the future?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why Osteopathic Medicine? What do you forsee being your greatest difficulty during medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If you get denied what will you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What advice would you have for other premed students?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about a challenge and how you dealt with it."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Are you a leader or a follower?What are your most interesting volunteer experiences?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What did you choose "X" school for undergrad?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How will med scholl effect my relationship with my wife?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Convince me I should choose you over the all of the excellent applicants."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
What was the most interesting question?
"none, cookie-cutter question list, read the ones already listed in previous comments"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"none tbh; very bland interview"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"#3"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If you had a chance to interview an individual, who would it be?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"No questions- I am already admitted so it was just the basics."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"nothing"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"I was asked no questions"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"**I was accepted without an interview. Information above relates to the tour I received post acceptance.**"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is your religion? and If two people of the same sex approached you and asked you to adopt a kid, what would you say to them?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where do you see yourself in 5-7 years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"how do you view medical/healthcare?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"what are the ethical ramifications of facial transplants?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"None there were very few questions, it was just a free-flowing conversation."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How would you deal with the challenges and pressures of medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"how have your experiences on study abroad changed your view of the american health care system?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What one thing would you do for the victims of Hurricane Katrina as a physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you deal with the stress of school and family? How will you deal with it in medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What social and medical issues could arrise from face transplantation?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"I was asked several questions about my upcoming trip to Africa."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"a hypothetical situation with a patient"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you see your life at 50?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"...So what would you say are the distinctions between clinical psychologists and psychiatrists?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do I study?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If you were on a deserted island and could bring 3 people with you (living or dead) who would they be and why? Also...what 3 would you absolutely not bring with you and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why Osteopathic medicine (instead of allopathic)?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How come I did not have a boyfriend right now. (This was totally out of the blue and I was not expecting anything like this!)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you plan to adjust your personal life to med school? Also, how do you plan to finance your medical education?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Play me the movie of your life up until this point."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Asked me about some of my nontraditional experiences"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Michigan State's COM motto is "The Science of Medicine, The Art of Caring, The Power of Touch", what do each of these statements mean to you? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What experiences in your life lead you to want to be an osteopathic physician?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"All standard."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If an elderly person had a stroke and could not feed herself, and the family did not care whether she stayed at the nursing home or went to the hospital for tests and left the decision up to you, what would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you help a patient of yours whose claims have been repeatedly denied by their insurance company? Would you personally try to help that person?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"It is Friday afternoon and you are let out of work early. I give you $5,000. What do you do for the weekend."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is a negetive aspect about being a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is your grade point and MCAT scores? How do you feel about them?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What do you think about universal health care?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me the difference between an MD and a DO."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Out of all your experiences, name one that you found to be the most memorable."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If medicine was not an option, what would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"The motto of MSUCOM is "Science of Medicine, Art of Caring, Power of Touch": what does this mean to you?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"You are an ER doc. deciding between two patients that need a liver. You only have one liver. One is young but a recovering drug addict and the other is an old professor. How would you decide?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If a patient of yours was struggling with the debate of signing a DNR, what would you do, and how would you convince that family member of the best decision."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What specifically attracted you to Michigan State and Osteopathic Medicine?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
" How did my volunteering experiences enhance my decision to become a doctor?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Two patients with renal failure, one dialysis machine, what do you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"A situation regarding an 18 year old longtime patient with the desire to abort a pregnancy...how would I handle it and how does my background mold my decision"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What kind of deer rifle do you use?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"I was LITERALLY asked only three questions the entire time!"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If, during one of your first clinical experiences, you went to a clinic and saw that the waiting room was full of African Americans, what would you think? (PS I'm a white female.)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"It's Friday afternoon. I'm giving you $5000. What would you do for the weekend?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me anything you consider important that I should know about you (first question)? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Given a situation in which your spouse could not take your residency years commitment ("it was his b-day, and you have delayed going out for the last three days, and as you are about to step out of the door, your pager goes off once again"... he is usually understanding - but this time he sais "enough is enough"..) What do you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Nothing really. Pretty much everything I expected."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Nothing out of the ordinary."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Name one experience in which you were a leader, one in which you were not the team leader, and one which you helped others."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Why osteopathic medicine wasn't as popular as MD's?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"I am going to ask you a 3 part question: What is an ethical dilema facing physicians today? What is your stance on it? And how did you come to that answer?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your grandparents. What kind of relationship do you have with them?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What's one of the issues going on in the medical world."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"An ethical question was: Suppose you attended a guest lecture by a homosexual male. After the lecture a group of your friends were standing outside the auditorium basically mocking the lecturer because of his sexual orientation. What would you say, if anything, to this group of your peers? (No right or wrong answer)"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What do you expect from your clinical years?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What would you do in a group situation where I was to assign the group a task it has to complete and then left the room?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Where does your desire to be a doctor come from?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If President Bush decided to close all medical schools because there were too many doctors already what would you do?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you imagine yourself at age 50?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How do you see yourself living your life as a D.O.?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Two patients need a transplant: One a middle-aged professor, the other a twenty-something former drug addict. Given your choice, all legality and rules aside, who would you want to give the organ to and why?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Given your past experiencem, did you ever think you would be here interviewing for a spot in medical school?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"If a patient died, how would you break it to the family?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"Tell me about how this volunteer experience relates to your interest in medicine."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"All were about the same, some I had to elaborate more on than others."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What is your greatest accomplishment?"More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"How would my relationship with my wife be effected by medical school? "More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
""What do you see as the biggest problem with health care in the US today?""More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too
"What would I do if my significant other was understanding until my residency, when for the third night in a row I got paged as soon as we were about to leave, and he got extremely upset about the time commitment."More from this Member| Report Response| I was asked this question too