V' -t f- 21 THE ROCK ISLAND FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1963 Outline Busy Schedule for Assembly of Church Womeri 9 sen Petersen HtmedVon Maar Hours: Friday May 10 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM Sweet Adelines Install Officers At Annual Dinner Officers of the Quad-City Chapter of Sweet Adelines Inc. were installed at a recent dinner at The Tower, Moline. They are: Mrs. Oliver Purcell, Davenport, president; Mrs. Rose Walsh, Davenport, vice president; Miss Ardith Orr, Davenport, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Helen Perry, Milan, recording secretary, and Mrs. Robert Oberhaus, Bettendorf, treasurer. Mrs. Charles Grabbe, Davenport, is the retiring president. Mrs.
Charles Brown, Bettendorf, was the installing officer, assisted by Mrs. M. W. Soults, Davenport. Newly-elect board members, who will serve 2-year terms, are Mesdames William Ward and Herschel Smith, both of Moline; Mesdames Oberhaus and John McGinn, both of Bettendorf; and Mesdames Walsh and Larry Strouse, both of Davenport It was announced that the Quad-City Chapter Chorus and the Hepta Chords Quartet of the chapter competed in the regional event in Peoria.
Chorus rehearsals will continue through the summer months each Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 in Hauberg Civic Center, Rock Island. The next board meeting will be June 3 in the home of Mrs. Grabbe, 2823 Iowa Davenport. Dr. HmUm Mrt.
SlMtelr Saturday May 11 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM I Women representing 129 churches in Illinois are expected to attend the annual Assembly of United Church Women of Illinois, to be held in Rock Island next week from Tuesday through Thursday. The provocative theme, Church Ecumenical: Its Mission will be discussed in the following three areas of a persons life: Race, Peace, and Personal Involvement Broadway Presbyterian Church will be the host church with registration beginning Tuesday afternoon at 3 for the Board of Managers and for Assembly delegates from 8 to 9:30 Wednesday morning. Mrs. George Houseman, Rock Island, is in charge of registration and asks that local women send in their registrations as soon as possible. The Moline and East Moline Councils will be hostess groups at the fellowship coffee to be held during registration time.
Tuesday evening, the Board of Managers will convene for dinner at South Park Presbyterian Church at which time the president of the United Church Women of Illinois Mrs. Dennis Clinton of Virden, will preside. The Wednesday morning session will begin at 9:30 in the sanctuary of Broadway Presbyterian Church. Mayor Morris Muhleman will welcome the group, as will Mrs. Charles Popp, president of the Milan Rock Island Council.
Bible Study will be conducted by Mrs. W. S. Mellish, wife of the pastor of the First Congregational Church, Moline, and the speakers at the morning session will be Dr. Kyle Haselden, managing editor of The Christian Century; Dr.
Fred Hoskins, professor of parish ministry at the Chicago Theological Seminary, and Mrs. Stuart Sinclair, Greenfield, a national vice president of UCW. The luncheon Wednesday noon will be served at First Methodist Church and international students in this area will be guests. The dinner for delegates and guests on Wednesday evening will be served in Potter Hall, Augus-tana College, when a film on Mental Health will be shown. Highlight of the Assembly will be the meeting Wednesday night in Centennial Hall, to which the public is invited.
Invitations have been issued to all churches in the neighboring vicinity to attend. The Augustana Choir will present a half-hour concert of sacred music biginning at 8 after which the Rev. Dr. Fred Hoskins will be the speaker. Dr.
Hoskins is co-editor of A Book of Worship for Free Churches and of the new Pilgrim Hymnal. Thursday morning at 7 a communion service will be held in Memorial Christian Church, followed by buffet breakfast. The women will adjourn to Broadway Presbyterian Church for the Bible study mid departmental workshops in various phases of United Church Womens Work. At noon Thursday, the final session, a denominational luncheon will be held at Broadway featuring a play My Neighbors presented by the Rock Island Playcrafters. Mrs.
Willard Foote, of Carbon-dale, Illinois, is the program chairman of this State Assembly. She is a former Rock Islander, whose husband was the pastor of the First Baptist Church. liams, Mrs. Robert Akin, Diane Akin and Peter Maisenbach, who were among models of home-fashioned attire in the show. Mrs.
Edwin Marquess was narrator. (Argus Photo.) AT HORACE MANN STYLE SHOW Dress Parade at the Circus was the Uieme of style show presented yesterday for the Parent-Teacher Association at Horace Mann SchooL From the left above are: Patty Ann Goevia, Philip Wil CARD or THANKS Ai It i practically Impossible to thank each one personally, we wish to show oar appreciation la this way, to thank nil who sent cards, sifts and attended the open house end lent flowers la observance of our 50th Weddins Anniversary on May I. 1963. Thanks. WllUs and Marguerite Drebmer I I i 9 9 NEARLY NEW SHOP JUST ARRIVED BARGAIN PRICES 44 FORMALS (for Spring Proms) 50 SUMMER DRESSES 24 SKIRTS 45 WOOL DRESSES 18 PAIR 32 HATS SLACKS BLOUSES PURSES CyemelinA tye4 ffw tfcu exclusively at MALCOLM'S Nearly New Shop 1019 27th Ave.
Rock Island Sponsored by lx. A ax. of the Rock Island Visiting Nurse Assu. Officers Elected At Horace Mann Mrs. Kenneth Downing was elected president of the Horace Mann Parent Teacher Association last night at the school and the annual style show was held.
Members of Girl Scout Troop 435 presented the colors under the direction of Mrs. Robert Wickwire, leader. Installing the new officers was Mrs. Wilbert Blackman, a past president of Grant School and the Rock Island Council of PTA. Officers, in addition to Mrs.
Downing, are Mrs. Robert Janies, vice president; Mrs. Delbert Nicholson, secretary; Mrs. Elmer Hodge, treasurer and Mrs. Mitchell Zwer, councilor.
Mrs. Downing was presented her presidents pin and Mrs. Zwer, her past presidents pin. Mrs. Zwer also presented a rose to each of the officers.
Mesdames William Wilson and Harold Haberthur were co-chairman of the style show in which 62 mothers and children modeled garments made by mothers or grandmothers, This was the final meeting of the PTA for this year. THE RESTAURANT OF MOLINE invites you to enjoy SUNDAY MORNING BRUNCH In our dining room 7:00 A.M. until 1 1 A.M. SPECIAL SUNDAY BUFFET ond floor Dining Doom from 12:00 noon SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DINNER in our main floor dining room Complete dinners featuring Roast Turkey, Baked Ham and Roast Beef. VISIT IN DAVENPORT Capt.
and Mrs. Henry E. Jeffrey Jr. and daughter, Jennifer, are spending the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Henry Jeffrey, 1105 'A Oneida Davenport.
Capt. Jeffrey will attend an officers career training course beginning June 1 at Ft. Benning, and later is scheduled for a tour of duty in Panama. He has been at Ft. Lewis, for the past year and a half, with six months of that time spent in Germany.
Guests Seated In Order Of Arrival. Regular Menu Sf rvice Available All Day Special Menu for Chidren Under 12 Mrs. Kurrle Is Hostess At SioniUi Club Luncheon Mrs. Otto Kurrle, Moline, was hostess recently at the May luncheon for member of the Sionilli Club at the Rock Island YWCA. After luncheon, games of cords were played.
Mrs. Lyle Lavender, Rock Island, will be hostess at the next meeting on June 12. Meet Emmett Kelly Jr. at 2 Childrens Parties Friday May 10, 7:30 PM Saturday May 11, 2 PM Childrens Department Third Floor Talk with Emmett Kelly Jr. in Person get his autograph Free Cokes Free Balloons Free Crackerjack See For Your Entertainment RALPH KELLY MR.
PIANO and the JERRY BILL SAMIER DUO performing in the ARABIAN ROOM MAIN FLOOR LOUNGE nightly from 4:30 RESTAURANT OF MOLINE Eari Armbruster Catering Manager Dave Drury Innkeeper Coolest Cut slides over your figure with the most delightful ease thanks to graceful princess shaping. Easy-sew, so useful with simple, little shrug. Printed Pattern 9496: Half Sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24. Size 16 dress, shrug, 4 yards 35 inch fabric. Sent 35 cents in coins for this pattern add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling.
Send to Rock Island Argus No. 379 Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address, size and style number. FREE OFFER! Coupon in Summer Pattern Catalog for one pattern free anyone you choose from 300 design ideas. Send 50 cents now for Catalog.
THE SvUC PRESENTS copyright Hi. 5rtd' Magann. Bill Samier Jerry Mass DUU RALPH KELLY r.l are wearing the most fitting of rings for Orange. Bt ostom solitaires and wedding bands were made for each other. Designed to look as one on the finger for double effectiveness, these Orange Blossom sets are conventional or distinctively different in style.
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PIANO VERSATILE FAVORITES OF THE QUAD -CITIES' Selling Quality Diamonds for Over a Half Century Appearing nightly from 4:30. Performing alternately in the Main Floor Cocktail Lounge ond the delightful Arabian Room. QajuelsAA. 1507 Fifth Moline of Molina SWEEPER CO. 1211 15th StruM, MoKim.